Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our guests

My fiance' and I both have big families and a lot of close family friends. They aren't distant family members either. We are both close with our family, even with our extended family members. My college friends used to marvel at how often my aunts and uncles called to check in. We all get together several times a year, send cards, and talk on the phone regularly. My point is they're an important part of our lives.

At the top of the, "this is important to us" list is inviting all of our loved ones to our wedding. This means about 150 family members and family friends for each of us. Then we each have a rather large number of friends and a much smaller but still important group of colleagues and local friends.

So, we're planning a large wedding. And while it will mean a higher stress level (because finding a venu that will fit that size of a crowd and a caterer that can serve a meal within the budget is not easy), I'm excited about being able to include everyone. I think it will be a wonderful time for our families to mingle and celebrate with us. So a big family-style garden party it will be.

I'm determined to do this for a reasonable price. It won't be a $2000 wedding but I bet I can do it for around $10,000. We'll be compromising a lot to make this work but I'm determined to do it! More details on how to stay on budget are coming.

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